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10:00 ReplayeFM News 2019.03.24
  • ≡ N. Korean Official Travels To Vladivostok After Moscow Visit

    A senior North Korean official is reportedly on his way to Vladivostok after wrapping up his five-day visit to Moscow. Kim Chang-son, director of the North's State Affairs Commission, is North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's de facto chief of staff in charge of security and protocol issues. His visit raised speculation that Pyongyang could be making preparations for leader Kim's first trip to Russia since taking office.■ [2019.03.24]

  • ≡ North Korea Seeks To Split Alliance Between South Korea, US: NYT

    The New York Times reported that North Korea is escalating its attempt to create a rift between South Korea and the United States. An article published Saturday said Pyongyang has urged Seoul to distance itself from Washington and to push ahead with joint economic projects ever since the unfruitful Hanoi summit last month. The newspaper assessed that President Moon Jae-in's role as a mediator has hit a wall, saying that his hands are tied unless the U.S. and the North reach an agreement on denuclearization and Washington helps to ease sanctions.■[2019.03.24]

  • ≡ Countries With Highest Air Pollution Heavily Dependent On Coal Power Plants: OECD Report

    Recent data show that countries with the highest levels of air pollution, including South Korea, are also heavily dependent on coal-fired power plants. According to a recent OECD report, five countries with the highest concentrations of fine particulate matter are India, China, Vietnam, South Korea and South Africa. India registered 90 micrograms of PM 2.5 particles per cubic meter on average each year, while South Korea recorded 25.1 micrograms per cubic meter. The report showed that all five countries were also the most coal-reliant countries in generating electricity.■[2019.03.24]

  • ≡ Police Raid Clinic On Allegations Against Samsung Heiress

    Police have raided a plastic surgery clinic in Gangnam yesterday as part of their investigation into allegations that the head of Hotel Shilla Lee Boo-jin may have abused propofol on a regular basis. The police earlier said they were simply checking facts regarding the drug abuse allegation brought up by a local news outlet. Lee has denied the allegation, saying she had only visited the clinic for legitimate treatment. The police plan to summon related officials at the clinic for questioning after they finish reviewing seized materials.■[2019.03.24]

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