• Two Koreas To Hold General-Grade Military Talks Tuesday
South Korean generals return to the South from the North Korean side of Panmunjom after talks with the North last month.
South Korean generals return to the South from the North Korean side of Panmunjom after talks with the North last month.
South and North Korea are set to hold another round of general-level military talks tomorrow to discuss measures part of their April summit agreement.

The meeting, the second of its kind since June 14th, will take place at the Peace House on the southern side of the border truce village of Panmunjom at 10 a.m.

Major General Kim Do-gyun will lead South Korea's five-member delegation, while the North Korean side will be represented by Lieutenant General An Ik-san.

The two sides are expected to discuss measures to put into action their leaders' summit agreement to make joint efforts to alleviate military tensions and "practically eliminate the danger of war."■
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