• N. Korea Fires Two Short-Range Missiles Again In Less Than 1 Week
This footage, aired by the North Korean Central Television shows a short-range missile being fired from a transporter erector launcher on the Hodo Peninsula near the eastern coastal town of Wonsan the previous day.<Photo: Yonhap News>
This footage, aired by the North Korean Central Television shows a short-range missile being fired from a transporter erector launcher on the Hodo Peninsula near the eastern coastal town of Wonsan the previous day.<Photo: Yonhap News>

North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast early this morning, less than a week after it test-fired two similar missiles from the same area.

This latest provocation is raising concerns about the prospects for denuclearization talks between Pyongyang and Washington and increasing tensions ahead of a joint military exercise to be held in South Korea next month.

Claudia Kim has more.


South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the first missile was launched at 5:06 a.m., from the Kalma area near the North's eastern port of Wonsan, followed by a second launch some 20 minutes later.

The missiles are estimated to have flown about 250 kilometers at an altitude of 30 kilometers.

Military officials believe they are also similar to the Russian-made Iskander, a short-range, nuclear-capable missile.

The JCS issued a statement calling on the North to halt such acts as they are not conducive to efforts to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea has been expressing its opposition to South Korea-U.S. military drills scheduled for next month, and earlier indicated the joint exercises could not only hamper efforts to resume dialogue but also lead to a restart in missile tests.

In an apparent attempt to restart working-level talks with North Korea on denuclearization as soon as possible, Washington has been downplaying the North's latest provocations.

Responding cautiously, the U.S. said it is aware of today's missile launches and will continue to monitor the situation.

Claudia Kim, eFM News.■
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