• Canada PM In Isolation After Wife Tests Positive For COVID-19
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregorie Trudeau at Rideau Hall in Ottawa in photo taken on Sept. 11, 2019.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregorie Trudeau at Rideau Hall in Ottawa in photo taken on Sept. 11, 2019.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in self-isolation at home as his wife tested positive for the new coronavirus.

Trudeau's office confirmed Thursday evening that Sophie Gregoire Trudeau has COVID-19 but was feeling well, taking necessary precautions and would remain in isolation.

The prime minister was said to be in good health with no symptoms.

According to his office, he will remain in isolation for 14 days and on the advice of doctors, will not be tested at this time since he has no symptoms.

It added that for the same reason, "doctors say there is no risk to those who have been in contact with him recently."

Trudeau's wife was tested for the virus after returning from a trip to Britain with "mild flu-like symptoms."

Trudeau is expected to continue his duties and address the country on Friday.

Canada has so far reported over 150 cases in six provinces, and one death.

British Columbia, Quebec and other provinces have already banned large gatherings and asked travelers to self-isolate at home if they exhibit flu-like symptoms.■

<Photo: Yonhap News>

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