• Trump, Biden Attack Each Other At Separate Town Halls

Photo: Yonhap News
Photo: Yonhap News
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has again criticized President Donald Trump's handling of the COVID-19 crisis, accusing him of panicking when confronted by the scale of the pandemic.

Biden was speaking at a televised town hall meeting Thursday hosted by ABC in Philadelphia.

[Clip: Biden]

"Take a look. We make up 4 percent of the world's population, we have 20 percent of the world's deaths. We're in a situation where we have 210 plus thousand people dead and what's he doing, nothing. He's still not wearing masks and so on."

Trump rejected such criticism at a simultaneous event hosted by NBC in Miami.

[Clip: Trump]

"I put on a travel ban far earlier than the scientists. I was actually the only one that wanted to put it on and I did it. I knew it was a big threat. At the same time, I don't want to panic this country. I don't want to go out and say everybody's going to die. No there is no middle ground. There's not a middle ground. You have to be safe, you have to be vigilant and you have to be smart."

The two candidates are expected to meet for a final in-person debate on October 22 in Nashville, Tennessee.


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