• Police To Probe Money Laundering Allegations Against Child Porn Site Operator
Son Jong-woo leaves a detention center after a court rejected a request for his extradition to the U.S.
Son Jong-woo leaves a detention center after a court rejected a request for his extradition to the U.S.
The National Police Agency will relaunch a probe into Son Jong-woo, the operator of one of the world`s biggest known child abuse websites, on money laundering allegations.

Police are expected to call in Son's father on Friday to investigate the complaints he filed back May, claiming prosecutors had not included money laundering in the charges against his son in 2018 after Son was arrested.

He also claimed his son damaged his mother's reputation by paying for her medical care with criminal proceeds.

The police agency's cyber bureau will investigate the accusations that Son hid criminal proceeds made by operating the dark web child porn website Welcome to Video, which charged users fees in the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

The site operated from June 2015 until March 2018, when it was taken down by law enforcement.

It is widely believed the father aimed to open a new legal case in order to keep his son in South Korea ahead of a court ruling on his possible extradition to the United States.

Earlier this month, the Seoul High Court rejected the request for Son's extradition to the U.S., saying that having him in South Korea would be more helpful for the country's fight against child pornography.

But the decision stirred huge public backlash at what seemed like an overly lenient punishment for creating and distributing sexually exploitative videos involving children.

He served only 18 months in a Korean prison.

Under criminal law, he cannot be tried or punished again for child pornography charges.
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