• Situation At Cheongdo's Daenam Hospital Stabilizing, Concerns Remain For Daegu
Daenam Hospital in Cheongdo
Daenam Hospital in Cheongdo
An infectious diseases expert says the situation at one of the two main clusters of COVID-19 cases in South Korea's southeastern region is stabilizing.

Professor Lee Jae-gap of Hallym University Medical Center told TBS' Kim OuJoon's News Factory on Wednesday that the condition of patients from Daenam Hospital in Cheongdo is improving as proper measures were taken, including dividing them into different groups based on the severity of their symptoms.

A total of 119 patients and medical staff at the hospital had been infected with the virus, 20 of which have fully recovered.

Lee, meanwhile, raised concerns about the increasing number of confirmed patients among residents in the region infected from members of the Shincheonji religious sect.

He recommended social distancing measures for now to reduce contact rates and slow the spread of infection.■

<Photo: Yonhap News>

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