• Death Toll Rises To 189 As Search Continues For Missing

Search operations to locate those still missing from the Sewol ferry sinking resumed earlier this afternoon, with divers recovering another body from the sunken vessel.

The confirmed death toll now stands at ___, with ___ passengers still unaccounted for.

Over 90 Coast Guard, Navy and civilian divers are working around the clock, focusing their efforts on the passenger cabins on the fourth floor of the five-story vessel.

However, high waves of up to two meters as well as obstacles such as blankets and furniture are making it difficult for divers to enter some cabins.

Officials have also installed nets around an eight kilometer radius from the accident site to prevent bodies from drifting away due to strong currents.

Meanwhile, the government is making plans to salvage the submerged vessel but maintained that any decision to start the operation is up to the victims' families.■
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