• Small Biz Owners Demand End To COVID Restrictions, Compensation For Losses
Members of the so-called emergency association of small business hit by COVID-19 shave their heads in protest of the government's prolonged antivirus restrictions. [Photo: Newsis]

Hundreds of small business owners demonstrated in central Seoul on Tuesday, demanding the government lift business curfews and sufficiently compensate them for losses from prolonged pandemic restrictions.

In a rally near Gwanghwamun Square, the protesters called for the right to survival and demanded current business curfews be scrapped and operators of businesses with more than 1 billion won in sales be included in the government's upcoming compensation measures for those hit by COVID-19.

They also said the government should compensate 100 percent of the losses from social distancing measures.

An extra budget bill worth over 14 trillion won, designed to compensate small merchants and businesses hit hardest by anti-virus antivirus rules, is currently pending at the National Assembly.

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