• Seoul City Launches COVID-19 Testing Program For Pets
(Photo: Yonhap News)
(Photo: Yonhap News)
The Seoul Metropolitan Government launched on Monday a new coronavirus testing program targeting pet dogs and cats.

The move comes after South Korea confirmed its first case of an animal infected with COVID-19 last month.

Seoul's quarantine control officer Park Yoo-mi said during an online press briefing that local pet owners can get their dogs or cats screened for the virus if the animals display symptoms of the disease, such as vomiting and breathing difficulties.

Generally, animals infected with COVID-19 do not show symptoms.

Pets that test positive should quarantine for 14 days with their owners at home, and not at a separate facility as there is no evidence yet that animals can transmit the virus to humans.

But in the case that infected owners are quarantined, their pets can temporarily stay at a safe animal shelter operated by Seoul city in the Guro District.

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